MockerBlazorTestBase<(Of <(<'T>)>)> Properties

The MockerBlazorTestBase<(Of <(<'T>)>)> type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Protected property AuthContext
Gets the authentication context.
Protected property AuthorizedClaims
Gets the authorized claims.
Protected property AuthorizedPolicies
Gets the authorized policies.
Protected property AuthorizedRoles
Gets the authorized roles.
Protected property AuthUsername
Gets or sets the authentication username.
Protected property Component
Gets or sets the component under test.
Protected property ConfigureServices
Gets the configure services.
Protected property Instance
Gets the instance.
Protected property Mocks
Gets the mock controller.
Protected property NavigationManager
Gets the navigation manager.
Protected property RenderParameters
Gets the list of parameters used when rendering. This is used to setup a component before the test constructor runs.
Protected property SetupComponent
Gets or sets the setup component action. This is used to setup a component before the test constructor runs.
Protected property TokenSource
Gets the token source.